
Validations scientifiques

  1. DASSONVILLE, Y., BARTHOD, C, ASSARD, M. Implementation of new dry electrodes and comparison with conventional Ag/AgCl electrodes for whole body electrical bioimpedance application. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE. IEEE, 2015. p. 6864-6867.
  2. MORENO, M. V., RIBBE, E., REBEYROL, J., et al. Evaluation of a new impedancemeter to independently access extracellular, intracellular and total body water volumes. Application to the measurement of hydration,. Medical & Biological Eng & Computing 2015, Volume 53, Issue 10, pp 989-999.
  3. MORENO, M. V., RIBBE, E., VANNICATTE A. , KRIEF L.: Evaluation of a multifrequency impedancemeter by biphotonic Densitometry, measuring independent tissue indices, in supine and standing position. Comparison with skin folds, Gazzetta Medica Italiana  Arch SCI Med 2015; 174:1-2;3029-GMI
  4. BOGONEZ-FRANCO P., NESCOLARDE L., McADAMS E., ROSELL-FERRER J. : Multifrequency right-side, localized and segmental BIA obtained with difference bioimpedance analysers, Physiological Measurement, Vol 36, Number 1, 2015.
  5. RIBBE E., COUX, M-N., MORENO M-V.: Analyse segmentaire de la composition corporelle par bioimpédance, INTELLIGENT HEALTH & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM, Tanger, Juin 2014
  6. BOGONEZ-FRANCO P., PHAM P., GEHIN C., MASSOT B., DELHOMME G., GUILLEMAUD R., McADAMS E. : Effect of electrode contact impedance
    mismatch on 4-electrode measurements of samll body segments using commercial BIA devices
    , 20th IMEKO, 2014
  7. MORENO M-V, LEHNERT J., PREMISKI Y., MARTIN-PEULET G., TORTEL A., MOREAU G. : Evaluation of the moisturizing power of tap water, treated by different biophysics methods, ICEBI, Procedia, p 192, 2013
  8. MORENO M-V, CHASSET L., BITTNER PA., BARTHOD C., PASSARD M.: New reusable elastomer electrodes for assessing bodycomposition, Journal of Physics, Conf. Ser., 434, 2013.
  9. CLARION A., RIBBE E., MORENO M-V. : Phase angle : is characteristic frequency close to 50 khz?, ICEBI, Procedia, p 170, 2013
  10. JAFFRIN M-Y, FENECH M, MORENO M-V, KIEFFER R: Total body water measurement by a modification of the bioimpedance spectroscopy method. Med. Bio. Eng. Comput., 44:873-882. 2006.
  11. NESCOLARDE L, TALLURI A, YANGUAS J, et al. Phase angle in localized bioimpedance measurements to assess and monitor muscle injury. Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, 2023, vol. 24, no 3, p. 415-428.
  12. BACHASSON D, AYAZ A-C, MOSSO J, et al. Lean regional muscle volume estimates using explanatory bioelectrical models in healthy subjects and patients with muscle wasting. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle, 2020.
  13. GAUBERT V, GIDIK H, et KONCAR V. Proposal of a Lab Bench for the Unobtrusive Monitoring of the Bladder Fullness with Bioimpedance Measurements. Sensors, 2020, vol. 20, no 14, p. 3980.
  14. DASSONVILLE Y, BARTHOD C, PASSARD M, MORENO M-V, A multi-electrode probe to detect anisotropy of muscles, Book of abstracts, id197, p87 ICEBI 2016
  15. PINSAULT N., MORENO M-V.: La bioimpédancemétrie : exemples d’applications (2ième Partie), Kinésithérapie Scientifique, n° 542, PP 47-49, 2013.
  16. MORENO M-V, KHIDER N, RIBBE E, DAMEZ J-L: Differentiation of fast and slow muscle fibers by bioimpedance. Phys. Conf. Ser., 224, 01 2086, 2010.
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